Find My First Job
First Time Job Seekers?
It is time to find that first job, start earning money, and start building a career. Even though it seems scary and overwhelming, finding that first job can be exciting and fun! In fact, it can be one of the most exciting events in your life if you are prepared. No matter what your educational level or work skills, following a few simple rules can get you on track to find that job.
Find out who you are and what skills you can offer
Those are the first things an employer would like to know. Ask yourself what you like to do and what jobs might fit your skills, hobbies, and interests. Talking to an employment counselor at college, a guidance counselor at high school, or a staff member at the OhioMeansJobs Hancock County also may help you pinpoint your skills and interests. (We can test your aptitude and assess your marketable skills.)
In addition, talk to family members, neighbors, and friends about the kind of jobs available in their workplaces. At times, reading the help wanted ads in the local newspaper may be helpful. Not all jobs available are advertised in the newspaper, but the newspaper can be a good starting point to see what types of positions employers are trying to fill and what skills are necessary to handle those positions.
Get ready to advertise yourself
Once you know your skills and what type of job you’re seeking, it is time to advertise your abilities to employers. One of the most efficient ways to accomplish this task is to create a cover letter and resume that highlights your education, work skills, work experience, and accomplishments.
Prepare for the interview
When an employer is interested, you’ll be invited to their office for an interview. It’s only natural to be a little nervous. However, you will be more at ease if you are prepared. Here are some tips:
1) Dress appropriately and on the conservative side. Most employers will be more impressed in you if you don’t dress in trendy styles, bright colors, and a lot of jewelry. Check out how the other employees at the business dress before going to your interview. This way, you will have a good understanding of the company dress code.
2) Arrive ten minutes earlier than your interview time. This way the employer will know you punctual.
3) Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and answer them directly without rambling, bluffing, or lying.
4) Avoid talking about salary or benefits. The employer needs to know about you and your skills before talking about salary and benefits.
5) Offer a firm handshake to the interviewer at the beginning of the interview and at the end on the interview.
6) Ask for the job at the end of the interview. If you want to work for the employer, say so and that you are eager to prove that you will do a good job.
7) Send an after interview letter. This is overlooked by many job seekers and could give you an advantage. There is a sample After Interview Letter on this Web site.
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